Silicon Ladders TLDR
Silicon Ladders is a newsletter for people that want to get ahead in the tech industry. Every week I post about what I’ve learned in my journey from YCombinator-backed startup founder to Senior PM at Meta and Google.
How often do I post?
I write and publish a new 5-minute read every Tuesday morning.
Is this Substack supported by Google?
No! The views that I express here are in no way representative of those of my employer, Google. In other words, I don’t write about anything proprietary to Google and do personal reflections only.
What do I write about most?
Mostly, I post about things I wish someone had told me about the tech industry when I got started 15ish years ago. I don’t mean the platitudes, I mean how things really work. I hope that my experience can save you the years of learning it took me to figure some of this stuff out.